Encourage. Rest. Connect. Support.

Our Story

A Message from the Founder

In 2017, my youngest daughter, Lily Grace, had a nonfatal drowning accident that left her with a severe brain injury. In an instant, our lives were forever changed. For four and a half years, we prayed constantly and sought all kinds of different treatments to help heal her brain. We traveled across the country and around the world to see specialists and receive therapies in hopes that her brain would be fully restored.

During these treatments, I met and formed relationships with many moms who were also caring for their own medically complex child. Our conversations centered around how our kids were doing and what new treatments were available. While these things were great to talk about, my ultimate desire was to point them to the Lord - our Refuge and Strength, our Comfort and our Healer. Knowing that therapies and treatments are finite, we rejoiced that our ultimate hope is in the Lord.

In 2022, the Lord saw fit to heal Lily completely, by calling her home to Him in Heaven. Lily’s story touched thousands while she was living. The Lord continues to use her story for His glory in ministering to the medically complex community and pointing them to the true hope in hurting.

Our Vision

Upheld Ministries is modeled after a story in Exodus 17. In this story, Moses is standing on a hill watching the people of God fight in a battle. Every time Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed, but when his arms fell, so did the Israelites. After a while, Moses’ arms grew tired and weary, so Aaron and Hur came beside him, sat him on a rock and held up his hands for him. Upheld Ministries was born out of this picture.

We are an Aaron and Hur community. A community that comes alongside you. We want to help “ hold up your hands.” Our desire is to pour into you so that you can serve your family well. We are here to encourage you with Biblical truth. We want to help you connect with other medical mommas. We want to give you a place to rest and be refreshed. We are here to support you in your daily journey of caring for your child.

Join Us

We believe that together, we are stronger. If you are a parent or caregiver of a medically complex child, we invite you to join our community. Here, you'll find a network of people who understand what you're going through and are ready to support you. We also welcome volunteers and donors who share our vision and want to support families caring for medically complex children.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Together, we can make a difference.